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Our Commitment to Belonging

students hands

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging at Langley

At Langley, we believe that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) are central to educational excellence and essential to our mission. We recognize that all students, families, faculty, and staff members bring unique experiences, backgrounds, identities, and perspectives that enrich our community when recognized and celebrated as part of our program. We intentionally cultivate a culture of belonging, pride, and respect for every member of our community while building the skills necessary for understanding and connection.


Langley’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) framework serves as a guide for our community as we cultivate a culture of belonging in our classrooms and offices, at school-wide events, and in our everyday interactions with one another. 


LaToya Needham

LaToya Needham

Director of DEIB & After-School Programs
DEIB Framework

Our Practices

Students dance for Diwali

REACH Curriculum Supports DEIB Program 

Self-awareness, connection, understanding, and respect are primary tenets of Langley’s custom-built social-emotional learning curriculum, called REACH (Raising Emotional Acuity, Cultural Responsiveness, and Healthy Behaviors). The REACH curriculum supports Langley’s DEIB program by incorporating the following concepts in appropriate ways across the Arc of Development: 

  • Healthy identity formation
  • Empathy, openness, and respect across lines of difference
  • Inquiry over ideology
  • Perspective-taking
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Finding common ground


Our Community

43% of students identify as a person of color 

28% of faculty and staff identify as a person of color 

3 affinity and alliance groups 

18% of students receive financial aid

24 cultural observances and holidays recognized 

Langley’s DEIB Committee

Composed of faculty and staff from all three academic divisions, a variety of roles, departments, and backgrounds, Langley’s DEIB Committee is charged with   supporting the DEIB program elements of curriculum review, professional development, communications, parent involvement, and student engagement. The committee also gathers input and critical feedback on school-wide DEIB initiatives, especially professional development content, and outlines key diversity and inclusion goals and actionable steps to achieve them. The DEIB Committee strives to promote a culture of belonging and a climate in which all members of the community feel valued and empowered to do the work.

2024-2025 DEIB Committee:
Dahna Bozarth

Dahna Bozarth

Grade 4 Teacher
Leslie Bray

Leslie Bray

Associate Director of Admission and Financial Aid
Troy Byrne

Troy Byrne

Junior Kindergarten Co-Teacher (Brandy/Lions)
Valnita Chavis-Brown

Valnita Chavis-Brown

Kindergarten Co-Teacher (Totten/Zebras)
Paige Dunn

Paige Dunn

Art Teacher
Dwayne Green

Dwayne Green

Chief Operations Officer
Noureen Lehto

Noureen Lehto

Front Office and Admission Assistant
Elena Meschieri

Elena Meschieri

Director of Data Services
LaToya Needham

LaToya Needham

Director of DEIB & After-School Programs
Clinton Quick

Clinton Quick

Grade 3 Teacher
Brittany Westbrook

Brittany Westbrook

Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications