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Strategic Plan

In 2023, The Langley School completed a dynamic strategic planning process that included students, employees, parents, alumni, and alumni parents. The result is an evergreen strategic plan that will take us into the future while ensuring that we have the flexibility to meet the evolving needs of every Langley student in the present. Aligning with who we are – our mission, our beliefs, our core values, our curricular model, our commitment to belonging, and our vision – Langley’s strategic priorities enhance learning for every leader, thinker, and creator across the Arc of Development, ensuring that our graduates are ready for high school and beyond. Each year, the administration and Board of Trustees select annual priorities supporting the plan’s three overarching priorities: our people, our program, and our world and the 10 strategic goals under each priority.


1. Ensure every member of our community feels a sense of belonging and that our students learn to cultivate belonging as they prepare to work and lead in diverse communities across the globe

2. Minimize financial barriers to enrollment, making a Langley education accessible to a broad base of qualified students 

3. Recruit and retain exceptional educators and maintain a strong value proposition for all employees 


4. Refine academic programming to ensure students obtain essential skills and knowledge while developing a global perspective

5. Guide students as they harness the power of inquiry-based and social-emotional learning to solve complex problems independently and as members of diverse teams

6. Advance and celebrate student achievement through authentic application of knowledge and skills to real-world issues and frequent exhibitions of learning

7. Ensure facilities and resources that support exemplary programs


8. Enrich learning, contribute to the greater good, and encourage community stewardship through service learning

9. Prepare students to investigate, support, and influence the causes they care about throughout their lives

10. Identify and share Langley’s signature strengths with educators beyond our campus

2023-2024 Progress

Each year, we review these strategic priorities, assess our student and community needs, and gather feedback to set school-wide goals. Below are the annual priorities and progress made in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Our People

Our Program

Our World