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Extended Day

Langley offers the following programs to extend the school day for all students, providing convenience and flexibility for our families.

girls playing outdoors


Club E.D. (Preschool-Grade 8)

Club Extended Day, or “Club E.D.,” operates from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. on regular school days and provides a safe and nurturing after-school environment for all Langley students. Preschool and junior kindergarten students must be enrolled in Leopard Spot in order to participate in Club E.D.



The Leopard Spot (Preschool & Junior Kindergarten)

Leopard Spot begins at the conclusion of the regular preschool and junior kindergarten day and runs until 2:45 p.m. daily. Students may register for one to five days per week as long as they follow a consistent schedule; there is no drop-in option. Led by Langley’s preschool and junior kindergarten teachers, Leopard Spot includes a variety of age-appropriate activities that expand upon many aspects of these pre-kindergarten programs. Students enrolled in Leopard Spot are eligible to stay for Langley’s extended day program, Club E.D., until 6:00 p.m.


student doing craft
After School Classes

After-School Enrichment (Preschool-Grade 8)

Langley offers numerous weekly after-school enrichment classes throughout the year to provide students of all ages with the opportunity to explore interests outside the classroom. These optional after-school classes, which are taught by Langley faculty members, meet each week on a wide variety of subjects, such as arts and crafts, cooking, nature, and literature.