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Parent Association

Parents selling tickets at Fall Fair

Building a supportive, inclusive, and vibrant school community

The Parent Association of The Langley School (PALS) strives to support the mission of the school by creating opportunities for volunteerism, and fostering an inclusive, connected community. All Langley parents are automatically members of PALS.

PALS is involved in many different areas of school life such as welcoming new families, coordinating volunteer activities in the classroom and grade-level socials, and organizing major annual events such as the Fall Fair, Book Fair, Grandparents & Special Friends Day, and spring auction. PALS also organizes a number of appreciation events for faculty and staff, and hosts a speaker series featuring leading experts in education, parenting, and child development.

Since The Langley School’s founding more than 80 years ago, parents have played a central role in our community, partnering with faculty and staff to raise well-adjusted, confident children in a supportive and welcoming environment. 

PALS Events icon

Parent Involvement

We value family involvement and encourage parents to give of their time and talents to help build a supportive, inclusive, and vibrant school community. There are numerous opportunities to become involved in school activities and special events. No matter how much time you have to give, there truly is something for just about every schedule.

Volunteer Committees

  • Book Fair
  • Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon
  • Fall Fair
  • Field Day
  • Grandparents & Special Friends Day
  • Hospitality Committee
  • Leopardy Quiz Night
  • Library Aides
  • “On Call” Volunteers
  • Parent Photographers
  • Primary School Aides
  • Spring Auction
PALS volunteers


 Parent Education


Partnering with parents to raise confident, well-adjusted children

We believe the strength of the partnership between parents, students, and their school is most critical during early childhood, which is why Langley offers a variety of informative, relevant parent education opportunities to help our families navigate the joys and challenges of these formative years. 

As experts in childhood development, Langley supports our parents through a series of seminars, panels, and coffees led by our knowledgeable faculty and staff, as well as outside speaker events hosted by our parent association, PALS. 

Through programs on navigating the high school application process, making a smooth transition to a new grade level, staying safe online, cultivating resilience, or managing stress, for example, we provide parents with additional tools and resources to raise confident, independent, healthy, and well-adjusted children.


Presenter during Parents Education Series

Clinical psychologist Dr. Adam Pletter presenting "Parenting in the Digital Age"

Why Is the Langley community Special?

I have made some of my best friendships with parents while volunteering at school events and helping out with PALS. The term ‘it takes a village’ can truly be felt here at Langley. Volunteering with fellow parents feels more like a family looking out for each other, and the relationships we gain are invaluable.
-Current Parent