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Grade 4 Focuses on Essential Role of Water

Fourth-graders are exploring the key role that water plays in communities around the world as they deepen their understanding across subject areas.

  • In a unit on multicultural literature in Readers Workshop, fourth-graders have been reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, a true story about a "lost boy" in South Sudan. Students are also reading individually selected novels set in different cultures with the goal of deepening their understanding of people and places around the world. They are interpreting and responding to their reading in blog posts on a student blogging site. 
  • Simultaneously, in their concluding project in Inquiry Time, students worked in research teams to formulate driving questions related to water. They collaborated to seek the answers to their questions and they are creating a digital artifact to communicate their learning. 
  • In addition, during this week’s field trip to the National Museum of African Art, the students visited an exhibit entitled “Currents: Water in African Art” in which they saw a range of art and artifacts created by different African cultures related to water. 
  • In social studies, students have investigated the Ashanti, Berber, Chokwe, Maasai, Ndebele, and Zulu cultures. They have closely observed artifacts created by these cultures and are creating replicas and museum displays to showcase their learning.
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