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Off-Campus Exploration

Students whitewater rafting

Because Langley students learn everywhere

At Langley, we expand education far beyond our classroom walls, so students come to see the whole world – not just school buildings – as a place to learn.

Students, teachers, and parents speak highly of our field trips. The nation’s capital is our learning laboratory as students frequently visit renowned museums, art galleries, theaters, nature preserves, and dozens of other locations, which provide engaging, real-world learning experiences and bring classroom lessons to life.

Eighth-graders expand their study of the Holocaust at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, fourth-graders visit the Maryland Science Center to take part in a DNA discovery lab, third-graders explore Colonial life at the Loudoun Heritage Farm Museum, and kindergartners travel to Butler’s Orchard to learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin – among many other examples. Starting in fifth grade, students enjoy overnight trips, bonding with classmates, developing greater independence, and building leadership skills. And in eighth grade, the class takes a week-long capstone trip.

On our campus, too, opportunities abound to learn, play, and reflect outdoors – on the athletic field, on nature walks, in our gardens, and in our rooftop Classroom in the Sky. Our dynamic, 9.2-acre campus provides lessons in ecology and biology everywhere children look as they move from place to place throughout the day. By moving frequently from one part of campus to another, students learn that shifting their perspective often leads to new insights.


7th graders taking sample of water


Stepping out of the classroom – and outside themselves – Langley students strengthen their curiosity and confidence. They know there is always more to discover, and more ways to link their learning to a broader community and world.



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