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Service Learning

Student donation drive

Serving our World to Deepen Learning and Connection 

At Langley, service learning is essential to living our mission and a key component of our curriculum across grade levels. Understanding complex issues and addressing needs in our community requires curiosity, empathy, ingenuity, self-awareness, and collaboration. As a school committed to a culture of belonging, and with a proven academic program built on the powerful combination of inquiry-based and social-emotional learning, Langley is poised to provide our students with exceptional service learning opportunities, deepening their understanding and connection within and beyond the Langley community.

Langley's Approach

Using the National Youth Leadership Council K-12 Service Learning Standards for Quality Practice as our guide, service learning at Langley involves students in investigation, planning and preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration of their learning to themselves and others. 

Service Learning at Langley...

  1. Actively engages students in meaningful and personally relevant service activities. 
  2. Addresses community needs and meets specified outcomes over a period of time.
  3. Meets existing learning goals and/or content standards in one or more subjects.
  4. Includes collaborative, mutually-beneficial partnerships within our school community and with community organizations.
  5. Promotes understanding of diversity, belonging, and mutual respect among all participants.
  6. Provides students with an authentic, age-appropriate voice in planning, implementing, and evaluating service-learning experiences with guidance from teachers. 
  7. Incorporates multiple, ongoing reflection activities that prompt thinking and analysis about oneself and one’s relationship to the larger community. 
  8. Engages students in an ongoing process to assess progress toward meeting specified goals and uses results for improvement.

Our Community Partners

McLean Police Department
Virginia Department of Forestry
Martha's Table
JK Community Farm 
RIF of Nova
Fairfax County Parks
Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation 
American Red Cross 
Bridges to Independence 
Fairfax County Water
Kilmer Center


Moving into high school, our graduates have become citizens of the world who empathetically and effectively listen, analyze, cooperate, and lead.

7th grade Service Project
Service Learning News